Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Love Knows No Bounds

Love to me knows no bounds, it can over-run any negativity, destroy any hate and replace any despair from anyone who is touched by its ways. Below is a link to my ibelieve essay, from which contains my beliefs on love and compassion, and all its effects in the modern day world today:


Monday, May 4, 2009

99 Balloons Eliot

Here below is a video of one family's journey to discovering everyday is a blessing. Eliot lived to be 99 days old after struggling with one un-developed lung, a hole in his heart and a DNA problem. His father, Matt wrote letters two weeks before his birth till the day Eliot died. This video (photos) was made by Eliot's family in loving memory of Eliot:

This video teaches me that everyday is worth fighting for, and we have no idea how important each day is.
99 Balloons: